– TEST A SMALL AREA with a 24-hour cure time to determine the ease of application and desired results. Test for stain repellency using likely contaminants.
– Wash the top surface of the stone with Floor Medics Stone Cleaner (recommended) to remove all dust, dirt and soils before sealer application.
– To give effective protection on porous stone; allow the first coat of sealer to dry in the interior of the stone for at least 2 to 6 hours before applying a second coat of sealer.
– Wipe or buff off any excess sealer almost immediately after each sealer application.
– Do not allow excessive sealer to dry on the surface; especially a polished marble and granite surface.
– Ready to surface traffic 20 minutes, Full cure 48 hours upon sealer application.
– Generally one coat is sufficient for polished surface stone and two (2) or more coat of penetrating sealer shall depend on the porosity of the stone. Usually limestone & rough texture stone needs 2 and more coats of sealer
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